
Registration Fees

Through June 20, 2022 After June 20, 2022
IMS Member
IEEE Member
IMS Student Member
IEEE Student Member
Non-Member Student

Virtual participation is allowed for those attendees who cannot attend the conference in person due to the current COVID restrictions.

All fees must be paid in USD.

If you are unable to pay online with a credit card or need to pay by bank transfer, please fill out this PDF registration form and send it back to [email protected]. Payments made via Bank Transfer are non-refundable. 

Covering The Expenses For Paper Publication

Only member or non-member fees are allowed to cover the publication of an accepted paper. To qualify for member rates, the membership number must be provided in the registration form. Student registration fees do NOT guarantee the publication of an accepted paper. If the author registering to cover the paper publication is a student, he/she has to pay the appropriate member or non-member fee. Members to whom the society bylaws grant special discounts (e.g., Students, Life members of the IEEE) cannot use the discounted rates to cover the publication of an accepted paper, they have to pay the member fee.

One author registration will cover the publication expenses of only ONE accepted paper. To the same registration could be associated only to ONE further paper by paying an additional fee of $100 USD. Further accepted papers for the same author will require the payment of an additional registration.

In the case no registration has been received and correctly processed to cover the paper publication, the conference organizers will contact the authors before the paper is removed from the proceedings.

Event Conduct and Safety Statement Language

IEEE believes that science, technology, and engineering are fundamental human activities, for which openness, international collaboration, and the free flow of talent and ideas are essential. Its meetings, conferences, and other events seek to enable engaging, thought provoking conversations that support IEEE’s core mission of advancing technology for humanity. Accordingly, IEEE is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment to all participants, including staff and vendors, at IEEE-related events. IEEE has no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or bullying in any form at IEEE-related events. All participants have the right to pursue shared interests without harassment or discrimination in an environment that supports diversity and inclusion. Participants are expected to adhere to these principles and respect the rights of others. IEEE seeks to provide a secure environment at its events. Participants should report any behavior inconsistent with the principles outlined here, to on site staff, security or venue personnel, or to [email protected].

Registration Problems and Further Information

For further information concerning your registration, please, contact Kerstin Bonicard, [email protected].

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